News for the Week of October 2-6

Good evening Welby Way families,

I hope you are all having an enjoyable weekend as we have another busy week ahead of us as we move closer to the annual Monster Bash/Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 21st.  In preparation for the Trunk or Treat, POWW is asking for candy donations in the main office leading up to the event.  Your donations are greatly appreciated as we fill the monster box.

This Week:

Untopable Spirit Wear:  Don't forget to visit to order the fun and stylish Welby Gear for this school year.  Monday at 12 noon is the last day to order your Welby Way Spirit Wear.  Please sure to order while you still can.  

eChoices Window Opens:  Starting Monday, Oct. 2nd - Nov. 17th, the echoices application window opens for charter and magnet applications.  You will go to apply.   If your child attends Welby Way as a charter student, you don't live in our area, and have an incoming sibling, don't forget to apply for the Welby Way lottery for the 2024 - 2025 school year during this on time application window.  This will allow your child to be placed on the sibling lottery list.  Also, if you are applying to the Welby Way magnet or a magnet for middle school you will also apply through eChoices website at  

Meet the Middle Schools: On Wednesday 5th grade families please join us on zoom from 5:30 - 6:30 pm to meet some of our surrounding middle schools - Lawrence, Hale, and Portola will be joining as they discuss their various programs and qualifications to apply.    The zoom link is:

Wednesday, Oct. 4th @ 5:30-6:30pm
Meeting ID: 821 4833 0161 Passcode: Welby5th

School Tours:  This week we will continue with our charter and magnet tours at 8:30 am in the library for interested families.  Our charter tour will be on Thursday and Magnet on Friday.  Please help us spread the word to any interested families who interested in learning about Welby and applying for fall 2024.  

Snack Shack:  This Friday 5th grade will be hosting snack shack.  If your child is purchasing from snack shack and you pick up your child at the bell, please be sure to make arrangements with them to meet you at the front of the school.  The lines are often long and students are delayed in exiting out of their gate.   Please know that funds raised go to helping fund the 5th grade events and activities for the school year.   

Progress Reports:  On Friday or this upcoming week, teachers will be sending home progress reports for students who may not be meeting the standard in either an academic or social emotional area for the beginning of the school year.  This is a perfect time to discuss with your child about any area of concern and come up with a plan to address the concern.  Please remember the district offers free online tutoring 24/7 all week long at Your child can find this link on their schoology page.   This is a wonderful free service provided to all students who may need assistance with homework or any class assignments.

I hope you all have a wonderful remainder of the weekend and evening.  I thank you for your continued support and partnership.  This is all for now. - Mrs. DaCorsi
